As they say...be not afraid!! L.O.L. :).

Greetings, friend! Should you have stumbled across this webpage, consider it divine fate!! The celestials have seen it fit for us to make a—digital—acquaintence...
Above, you will find links to my musings on tulpamancy*, my famed Arthurian personality analysis system—with a few fun "pop culture" examples to illustrate my points; L.O.L :)—some facts about little ol' me, and my theories on Nomenoloy, A.K.A the importance of names!
*PLEASE NOTE: MY WORK ON TULPAMANCY IS TO BE CONSUMED BY INFORMED INDIVIDUALS ONLY!!! I do not mean to "digitally yell", but it is important to inform readers of the possible danger. :(. Powerful energies persist even within cyberspace...

Stay as long as you would like! Rest your weary Internet feet before my cyberspace fireplace...may the pixel embers bring you succor in your travels... Perhaps, at the end of all this, you'll find the answers you're seeking. :).

Before you go, however!! Please do make use of the below sigil :) it is for securing safe passage on the Internet. As stated, there is evil energy lurking among the hallowed halls of even the world wide web. :(.